Sometimes the World Swallows You Whole

November was such a busy month! Changes at work have meant fluctuations in my productivity. No excuses though. This just means I need to work harder.  My graphic designer for my first book also fell through, so the release of my book has been pushed back. I’ve recently found a new graphic designer, and I’m working with them now to create my cover, so I can finally get this sucker published. I can’t put in words how excited I am to share these characters and their journey. They were so wonderful to write, and they’ve brought a smile to my facce time and time again.

Additionally, of course, November meant National Writing Month, so I was buried in my second book. But I finished it! The first rough draft and 50,000 words written in 30 days. It was definitely more of a struggle than my first book. Revisions, when I finally get down to them, are going to be killer, I can already tell. But I’ve been trying to focus on just letting the words come out when I’m writing. No analyzing or overanalyzing. That way leads madness. Of course, this means I’ve been writing all over the place, my notes are a mess, and I’m hopping from scene to scene like a rabbit on drugs, but the words are coming. That’s the important thing.

I just have to keep trucking on. Hard to tell yourself it’ll be worth in when you’re knee-deep in what seems to be the worst thing you’ve ever written, but anyone sharing in that feeling can rest assured it will pass. Euphoria, despair, they’re both short-lived, and they both teach us something. Take any happiness while you can get it and let the despair only fuel you forward. That’s the only way I’m getting through these seemingly endless months. Don’t give up. And remember to make time for your writing! Your stories have  something to say, and it would be the greatest tragedy to let the world swallow them whole.